Sustainability and Responsibility
Nadya has worked hard to produce an ethically sustainable label with meticulous quality through carefully selected artisans and by operating a ‘slow-fashion’ model.
By using a pre-order model she enables a decrease in the overstock and waste so often mass produced by factories. With the sincere belief that each piece is an heirloom to be treasured for a lifetime Nadya’s designs are of the highest quality made to endure the adventures of her customers.
Equally the craft and fabrics of her collections is of the utmost importance to Nadya. Each material is hand woven and ethically produced by a community who base their skill and livelihoods on this employment. The fibres used are a blend of pure wool, silk and cotton therefore avoiding any synthetics with the harmful microplastics they shed into the environment.
Her workshop has highly skilled and valued embroiderers, pattern cutters and seamstresses, who have been an integral part of her team for up to 18 years. Through supporting and increasing labour to these incredible artisans she makes them economically self-sufficient whilst encouraging them to learn newer, modern ways of using eco-friendly materials and substitutes.
Nadya has not only successfully produced an ethically sustainable label through eco-friendly fabrics but most markedly through preserving age-old ancestral techniques; incorporating them into modern day pieces and practices.

Prices from £450,
For further information or to call in samples contact Hum Fleming on 07887 668 597 or email on